Get to Know Me


I am typically more private about myself on social media, but since I am launching my website and business it felt like a great opportunity to share more, so you all can get to know me.

  1. Wife & mama

    I met my husband twelve years ago when we were both living in Fort Collins, Co. attending Colorado State University. We got married in 2012 and moved to Virginia Beach for his job. We spent several years with us and our two Boxer dogs before we welcomed our daughter Lorelei Jean in 2019.

  2. May babies

    My entire family is born in May. My husband’s birthday is May 25, mine is May 16, our daughter’s birthday is May 4, and our dog Pearl’s is May 26. We recently said goodbye to our dog Lily May after thirteen wonderful years and her birthday was May 22! We didn’t plan for our daughter to be a May baby but it ended up working out that way. It is fun to celebrate all our birthdays close together; however, May ends up being an expensive and busy month.

  3. I am a homebody

    I enjoy traveling but always look forward to going home. My home is my sanctuary and I love being in my comfort zone. Being a homebody made me realize the importance of loving your home and how it has a direct impact on your mood. My goal is to help people create calm and comforting spaces, so they enjoy being at home.

  4. I have been around interior design my whole life

    Interior design has been a huge part of my life. My mom loves designing her home and was always making changes, whether it was updating furnishings, reworking spaces or remodeling. She learned it from her mother. My grandmother took great pride in her home and had an exquisite style. When my grandmother passed away in 2010, it was extremely painful, and having to say goodbye to her home was a huge loss. Her home held so many memories and feelings. I am thankful that I got to experience so many years in her home because it created my passion for interior design. Although she would think my interior design style is a bit too modern and needs more color, I know she would be proud of me for pursuing my passion.

  5. Exercise is the best medicine

    I love to workout. It is really important for me physically and mentally. My parents noticed at an early age that I needed to stay physically active so I played a lot of different sports. Nowadays, I mostly do cardio either on our Peloton bike or running outside.

  6. I have lived in five states

    I moved around a lot as a child. I’ve lived in Connecticut, North Carolina, Texas, Colorado, and now Virginia. I’ve experienced a lot and learned a lot with every single move. Living in different states and areas of the country allowed me to experience various interior design styles and laid the groundwork for pursuing a career in interior design.

  7. Northern Michigan is a slice of heaven

    My family has been summering in a small town in Northern Michigan since 1899. Yes, more than 120 years. I have spent my summers up there with family and lifelong friends. It is my favorite place in the world and I look forward to our family’s next 120 years up there.

  8. The middle child is the best child

    I am the middle of three girls. Although the middle child can sometimes get a bad rap, I like to think they are the best and everyone’s favorite.

  9. I majored in interior design … for two weeks

    When I first went to college I majored in interior design and had to take a prerequisite art class. I panicked and broke down during the first assignment. I do not have an artist’s brain when it comes to drawing so it made me question my future and I changed my major. I wish I could go back and tell my eighteen-year-old self that you just need to power through the art classes. You do not need to be an artist to be a successful interior designer. Unfortunately, you can’t change the past and I do think everything happens for a reason. I was able to find my path to interior design by following my passion and I gained valuable experience along the way.

  10. My anxiety is my super power

    I have struggled with anxiety since I was a young girl. My anxiety gives me extreme attention to detail and a level of perfectionism that drives my husband crazy but gives me a leg up when it comes to designing spaces. No detail goes unnoticed and I work to achieve the perfect space.


My Favorite White Paints